Sunday, February 3, 2008

Stages of Packing

When you first begin to pack your house, you are completely organized. One box for a particular type of items, perhaps some of your desk, neatly organized into multiple boxes and clearly labeled. Then you get to the 2nd week of packing. At this stage, if it's in the same room, it ends up in the same box, still labeled clearly. Lastly, you end up with boxes that just say "stuff" and you're tired and cranky with your spouse. He is of course, tired and cranky with you.

I hate moving.


Unknown said...

lol. hang in there!

Jovi said...

oh lord yes. moving sucks. zion just saw nate in the next post down and said "is that a picture of me??"

Tamara said...

LMAO It's so true! Man, I *hate* packing. So much. So very, very much. Hang in there!