Last Saturday was the day out with Thomas at the
Northwest Railroad museum near
snoqualmie falls. It was a bit of an early morning trek and the kids really didn't want to get out of bed until we mentioned who they were going to see. We managed to get on the road about 20 minutes late and made a mad dash for the train ride at 9AM.
Big N and little N did fantastic on and off the ride.
We have noticed big change in Big N's behavior lately. Big N has really taken notice of those around him, in particular smaller kids. He is also much more conscience of what we say and seems to listen more. Just like any kid, he has his good days and his bad days. However, Saturday was a great day.
The train starts at the depot at the Museum and heads towards the falls. The ride takes you past the top of the falls and stops with a spectacular view above the falls. The trains stops for about 5 minutes to let everyone enjoy the view. Big N notices a younger boy, perhaps 2, and asks me if he should share his seat with him so he could see the water.
This was one of those proud momma moments, where my son went out of his way to be considerate of another little boy. The boy was shy and did finally come over with his dad to peak out the window.
After the ride, Big N dragged us towards the front of the train. We managed to talk him out of the gift shop for the time being and got towards the front of the train, where Thomas was. At this end of the train was a bounce house. We opted to skip the line to get the photo op with the big number one engine and both kids waited patiently outside the bounce house. It didn't hurt their patience that the man near the door was telling the kids inside that their time was up.
I reminded both kids to be careful around the littler kids in the bounce house and both kids clamored in. Watching the kids, Big N had listened. He slowed down around the littler kids and moved to the other side of the bounce house. He did, of course, do somersaults since it is currently summer. He asked, "Is it still summer?" before tumbling.
Two proud momma moments in one day!
After the bounce house and the ride we found ourselves with both kids inside the tent full of train tables for open play. Even in here, Big N managed to watch out for smaller kids, not grabbing as he would have in the past. It did help that we were at the museum early enough to be part of the smaller crowds.
I'll keep the end of the day description a little shorter. Leaving the gift shop tent did not end as nicely. Big N had some significant crying when we did not buy more trains for our house. However, the good parts of the day out weighed the tantrum.
Both kids did well. They really only had a tough time when we had been there too long after forgetting their water bottles in the car. Both kids had a mood improvement after lunch, as did their parents.
It was really a good day for the kids and their attitude and maturity made it great for us.